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Wildfire Risk, Mitigation, and Preparedness

Durango is known for its scenic mountains, forests, and open spaces.  Although this part of the nation holds such beauty, destinations such as this are also prone to wildlfires. While we will never completely eliminate the risk or occurrence of wildlfires, we can be proactive to lessen the risk and severity.

Durango Fire & Rescue (DFR) works with multiple partners and agencies to complete wildfire mitigation and fuels reduction projects in the fire district and La Plata County. DFR is part of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the City of Durango and La Plata County. This agreement formed the Wildfire and Watershed Protection Fund (WWPF), which is tasked with cross boundary fire mitigation and fuel reduction projects on city, county, and private property. The WWPF is funded with financial contributions from the City of Durango and La Plata County while DFR’s Wildfire Division provides a workforce for certain projects. DFR and the WWPF also work with private industry to increase private mitigation capacity throughout the region. Since its inception, WWPF has completed hundreds of acres of fire mitigation in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI). 

DFR was awarded a Water Infrastructure Improvement for the Nation (WIIN) grant by the Colorado Department Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). This grant is funded by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is focused on protecting waterways by preventing catastrophic wildfires that could impact regional drinking and irrigation water. The WIIN grant can cover a portion of mitigation costs on some private land. 

DFR also closely partners with Wildfire Adapted Partnership (WAP), which assists homeowners with wildfire risk assessments and grant funded mitigation in some areas.

For current information on wildfire mitigation projects near you, your wildfire risks, and how you can protect your family and property in the event of a wildfire visit the La Plata County Wildfire Resource Center.

How can you protect your home or property?

During a wildfire, there is often little time for firefighters to mitigate homes and their wildfire hazards. When homeowners do mitigation proactively, it allows for safer communities and allows for firefighters to protect more homes and properties more efficiently. Good wildfire mitigation allows firefighters to do their job more effectively and safely. There are many resources available for home and property owners to address wildland fire questions and concerns. Below are some links and videos to resources available locally. If you have additional questions, please contact us.

Make your home Firewise

Wildfire Risk Assessments

DFR provides assessments for wildfire danger for our community. These assessments give homeowners an opportunity to meet with a firefighter and discuss how to best protect their property.