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ISO Rating

Insurance Service Office (ISO) Public Protection Classification (PPC™) Program

To help establish appropriate fire insurance premiums for residential and commercial properties, insurance companies need reliable, up-to-date information about a community’s fire-protection services. This is provided by a district's ISO.

ISO collects information on fire-protection efforts in communities throughout the United States. In each of those communities, ISO analyzes the relevant data using a Fire Suppression Rating Schedule (FSRS). They then assign a Public Protection Classification from 1 to 10. Class 1 represents superior fire protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area’s fire protection doesn’t meet ISO’s minimum criteria.

District's ISO Classification: 4/10

Durango Fire Protection District has a double score. The score of 4 represents all areas inside of the District that are within 5 road miles of a fire station. If your property is outside of 5 road miles from a fire station the rating is 10.